Careers - CEIAG

We believe that all students should leave Weston Secondary School with clear post-16 pathways and be excited about their future.

Careers advice at Weston Secondary School

We don’t expect all of our students to know the career they wish to pursue. But we do want to ensure they have the highest of aspirations and belief in their own abilities, so they are prepared to make informed choices about their future.

From the moment our students arrive at Weston Secondary School, they are encouraged to start thinking about this.

We work closely with our local colleges, sixth forms and universities, as well as partner with organisations far and wide so that our students get the best opportunities.

This support ranges from in-house PSHE lessons, exploring employment qualities, career curriculum assemblies, workplace visits off-site, work experience, and visits to FE and HE institutions.

Students also have access to our Lead for Careers, Stephen Robinson, who offers impartial advice on future careers and the next steps available to them.

More information can be found in our school policies

Careers advice is tailored for each Key Stage.

Careers advice in Years 7, 8 and 9

In Key Stage 3 students at Weston Secondary School are introduced to careers education by raising their awareness of a wide range of careers and pathways.

Careers advice activities help them identify career preferences based on their interests and suitability.

They discover careers options and pathways including qualifications and experience before finally making informed decisions about their GCSE options. This demonstrates a clear link to possible careers in preparation for future progression and post-16 choices.

Careers advice in Year 10 and 11

In Key Stage 4, students refine their career aspirations and recognise the next steps. They develop their knowledge and employability skills, so they make smart choices about their post-16 career pathways making plans for colleges, training providers and apprenticeships.

Careers platforms and tools

We encourage our students to use Start as a tool for planning their future beyond. 

Weston Secondary School. It is a free, online careers platform designed to connect 11 to 18-year-olds with their future career potential.

It combines comprehensive information with a personalised experience helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options.

Start includes:

  • A student profile: students build a profile and access personalised study and career information.
  • Modules: activities to guide students through engaging content on what to study, where to learn and the world of work.
  • Locker: an online record of achievement to evidence skills for future applications and CVs.
  • Employability action planning: students can set goals and stay in control of their career planning.


Careers Programme 2023-2024

Careers Access Statement 2023-2024

Careers Destination Review



If you’d like to find out more about careers advice at Weston Secondary School please get in touch with Mr Robinson.