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Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011 as additional funding to the main school budget to support Looked After Children (LAC), those children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), service children, those who are adopted from care and those who need additional literacy or numeracy support. It is up to the school to determine how the funding is used, but its primary aim is to support some of our more vulnerable learners. As a school we continually strive to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our students. Not all of these students are eligible for FSM and so the school will at times use the funding to support a wider range of students who have been identified as vulnerable or disadvantaged in some way.

Use of the Pupil Premium Grant

At Weston Secondary School (WSS) we are committed to maximising the life chances of all our students. It is our aim, therefore, for all our students to make excellent progress, both academically and in their wider development, through the provision of:

  • Quality teaching
  • A broad and relevant curriculum
  • A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities to broaden students’ outlooks and in still high aspirations
  • An independent, professional, careers guidance service which takes account of individual needs and aspirations and supports the individual in achieving them
  • Experienced support staff to work with students and families
  • To maximise attendance
  • Programmes to develop individual’s emotional and behavioural maturity and personal resilience
  • Support to assist parents in managing the needs of their children
  • Bespoke and targeted pastoral and academic intervention

As a school we continually strive to ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all our students and appropriate provision is in place for those who need it most. Not all of these students are eligible for Free School Meals, and we will, at times, use the funding to support a wider range of students to achieve their very best.

It is the ambition of WSS to eradicate any gap in the attainment and achievement of students and for disadvantaged students to achieve and be as successful as their non-disadvantaged peers.

How can you get more information?

For more information, please contact WSS at – if you are not sure whether your child is eligible for Free School Meals or would like more information about how you should go about claiming an entitlement, please contact our School Reception in confidence.

Pupil Premium 2024-2027