
The Board of Trustees are the responsible body for the governance of all Trust schools and delegate certain responsibilities to Local Governing Committees under the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation.

Where a school does not have a Local Governing Committee the Executive Team arrange appropriate governance arrangements for the school.  The Executive Team reports to the Trust Board on the content of those governance meetings.

Hamwic have recently elected a new Chair of Trustees, Gary Plummer.  Gary has over 20 years of Governance experience and has worked in HET Governance since 2021.  Alice Wrighton will remain as a trustee until the end of this academic year.  More information can be seen at the HET Governance further down.

Please click on the link to the procedures for HET schools without a Local Governing Committee.  The governance arrangements for HET can also be found by clicking here  Please contact the school leader or Head of Governance ( for further information.