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Our newly refurbished library is well-stocked with both fiction and non-fiction books available for students at every reading level; we have a plethora of different genres including classics, fantasy, and manga to name but a few. The library is run by our librarian, Miss Welch, who is an avid reader and is available to support students in their reading journey. We encourage students to make suggestions as we are adding to our library stock all the time. 

Not only is the library a safe space for our students to seek refuge with a book, but it is also open to year groups at lunch time for reading or studying. This has been particularly successful with our KS4 students who, on a Thursday and Friday lunchtime, are invited in to receive study support from our Head of Literacy, Miss Early and our Director of Communications, Miss Connery. The library is stocked with exam resources, past papers and revision guides for our students to use alongside their own revision materials.  

Please encourage your children to check out our library displays which Miss Welch works incredibly hard to update regularly to celebrate national and international celebrations and holidays!  

Lexia/Library Lessons

For our KS3 students, there is a timetabled library lesson each week. For years 7 and 8, this lesson consists of two different elements: reading and Lexia (a computer programme with a focus on ‘Comprehension’, ‘Word Study’ and ‘Grammar’). For year 9, students will complete a mix of Lexia and reading up until the Summer Term in which they will move towards retrieval tasks to support their study of poetry in readiness for their GCSE Literature in year 10.  

World Book Day and Virtual Library:

For World Book day 2024, we took a group of students to visit our local Waterstones bookshop in Southampton; students were fortunate enough to have a ‘Day in the Life of a Bookseller’ workshop which gave insight into the business aspect of selling books, they had the fantastic opportunity to meet published author, Rosie Talbot, who spoke about the writing and publishing side of the book world and they were also allowed to browse the shelves and purchase a World Book Day book or use their book voucher towards a purchase of their choice. We had fantastic feedback from Waterstones who spoke incredibly well of our students which is a testament to their character. We look forward to more opportunities like this moving forwards.  
In addition to this, we created a virtual library for students and their families to enjoy online. This proved to be a popular resource and offered a different experience when it comes to reading; it would be remiss of us not to acknowledge that more of our students are using online services, and this is a way of allowing students to access reading materials in a way that is accessible and exciting to them.